Electricity, Paint and Mathematics!
The MAC performing arts centre.
This week I have been very lucky to perform two shows at The M.A.C. Theatre in Belfast. The M.A.C. was celebrating it's 5th Birthday Party and as part of the celebrations they invited Cahoots N.I. to perform 'Danny Carmo's Mathematical Mysteries.' As i play 'Danny,' i got to pace the boards and perform loads of magic for 2 packed shows on the main stage. It was amazing! Check out www.cahootsni.com for more details on our show.
Being a professional magician means that every day is different and yesterday was VERY different! Along with my wife, the extraordinary fizzwizzpop, we worked on some top secret magic for one of our favourite companies. I can't say much at the minute, however, it involved a milk churn, an electric chair and a paint gun! Very exciting!