Welcome to my new Blog!

I will be adding a regular blog here at caolanmcbride.com. The blog will cover all sorts of topics from my world as a professional magician including behind the scenes info, professional secrets and how i approach my magic. My first entry is all about preparation…


When you hire me to perform magic at your event a large part of what you see is in the preparation.

I look ahead in my diary and spend a considerable amount of time designing what magic will work best for you. What do I mean by that? Well, if I’m performing magic at a wedding I consider the mood and the atmosphere. People are there for a celebration and my job is to add to that in a fun and positive way. So I’ll choose fun, positive magic. Magic tricks and routines that I have tried and tested and improved upon over years of performances so that I know it will create uplifting, positive reactions among the guests.

If I’m performing a more formal show I work tirelessly on script, staging, timing and a long list of other factors both obvious and ‘behind the scenes’ so that the end result is a polished, professional magic show.

I bring together my years of experience as a magician to make sure that when you hire me, you’re getting the best magic possible. Of course, then there is the magical ingredient of your guests. A lot of the fun, magical moments in my act come from interactions with my audiences over the years, hilarious, unpredictable moments that eventually become an ingrained part of my magic act.

Now…There is something else truly essential to preparation and that is PRACTICE! My next blog will be all about something I feel very passionate about…Practice. What it means to me, how I approach it and how positive it can be.


Magician Caolan McBride prepares for magic in Belfast

Magician Caolan McBride prepares for Magic in Belfast